Meguiar's Gold Class Quik Wax

Meguiar’s Gold Class Quik Wax

A spray wax that looks and feels like a real wax!

Meguiars Gold Class Carnauba Plus+ Quik Wax is the answer to achieving a quick, dark, wet-looking shine on all colors, but especially on black vehicles. With a simple mist-on, wipe-off, Carnauba+Plus Quik Wax delivers the rich, warm protection that only carnauba can deliver. The “+Plus” in this formula means it won’t leave white residue on plastic or trim, and unlike most waxes, Carnauba+Plus Quik Wax can be applied to a warm surface in direct sun.

A lot of spray waxes deliver a shine that lacks the warmth and depth of carnauba. Meguiars Gold Class Carnauba Plus+ Quik Wax overcomes this challenge with a true carnauba wax finish. You’d never expect this kind of shine to come from a spray wax, but it does! That’s the magic of Meguiars Gold Class Carnauba Plus+ Quik Wax. You get the show car shine of a carnauba wax in a convenient spray that you can use anytime, anywhere.

Meguiars Gold Class Carnauba Plus+ Quik Wax is excellent for touching up a vehicle at a car show or for prolonging your existing wax protection. Spray on, wipe off. It couldn’t be easier.

Meguiars Gold Class Carnauba Plus+ Quik Wax is a real spray wax. Try it!

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